MBLogic for an open world in automation
This involves entering the application specific data into configuration files to be used by the web client.
These are stored in the "clientconfigdata.js" file.
MBT_ClientID = "Default HMI Client ID"; MBT_ScanRate = 1500;
This is also stored in the "clientconfigdata.js" file.
MBT_SVGScreenTable = ["ExampleSVGScreen1", "ExampleSVGScreen2", "ExampleSVGScreen3"];
The tag and (alarm and event) zone lists determine what data is requested from the server by the client. This data is also stored in the "clientconfigdata.js" file.
MBT_ReadList = ["ExamplePL1", "ExamplePL2", "ExamplePL3", "ExampleTank1Level", "ExamplePumpSpeedCmd", "ExampleStripChart1"]; MBT_AlarmZoneList = ["ExampleZone1", "ExampleZone1", "ExampleZone1"]; MBT_EventZoneList = ["ExampleZone1", "ExampleZone1", "ExampleZone1"];
The texts of the alarm and event messages are stored in a file called "messagetexts.js".
MBT_AlarmText = { "PB1Alarm" : "PB1 was pressed.", "PB2Alarm" : "PB2 was pressed.", "PB3Alarm" : "PB3 was pressed.", "PB4Alarm" : "PB4 was pressed." } MBT_EventText = { "PumpRunning" : "Tank pump is running.", "PumpStopped" : "Tank pump is stopped.", "Tank1Empty" : "Tank 1 is empty.", "Tank1Full" : "Tank 1 is full.", "Tank2Empty" : "Tank 2 is empty.", "Tank2Full" : "Tank 2 is full." }
You can also store other message texts here as well. For example:
// This is an example of text indicators. Msg_HMIDemoColours = ["red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "indigo", "violet"];
If your HMI application requires several different HMI web pages with different alarm and event message texts (for example to support multiple languages), you can rename the "messagetexts.js" to something else (e.g. "messagetexts_en.js", "messagetexts_fr.js", etc.). However, you must then change the file name in the web page used to import the file.