for an open world in automation
The manuals for all MBLogic packages are available here on line:
A complete, stand alone industrial control platform, incorporating soft logic, web based HMI, field IO connectivity, system management, on-line help, and integrated web based programming tools.
Allows a web based HMI server to devices such as PLCs, field I/O, etc. This provides the same web HMI capabilities from MBLogic in a stand alone package. It comes in several versions that support both client and server versions of Modbus/TCP and SAIA Ether SBus.
HMIBuilder allows you to automatically create HMI web pages for both MBLogic Soft Logic and for HMIServer without programming. Drawings are assembled using supplied graphical widgets using drag and drop editing, and configured using menus to select the desired options.
MBLogic Tools can provide a stand alone web based HMI solution, as well as add advanced features to traditional PLC applications and also be used in testing, commissioning, and troubleshooting applications.
A simple Modbus/TCP server.
Like MBAsyncServer, but for SAIA Ether SBus.
A web based menu driven Modbus/TCP client. This provides an easy to use means of testing, troublshooting, and commissioning Modbus/TCP field devices such as valves, sensors, and PLCs.
This provides the same capabilities as MBProbe, but for the SAIA Ether SBus protocol.
PollMB - A command line Modbus/TCP client.
PollWS - A command line client for a Modbus-like web service.
Like PollMB, but for SAIA Ether SBus.
This is a GUI based client for Modbus/TCP.
The components used in creating the MBLogic automation platform are also available as libraries for creating your own custom applications.
A simple industrial communications client library which may be used to create custom applications which need to communicate to PLCs and field devices. SimpleClient supports several protocols.
A soft logic library modelled closely on existing popular PLCs. It allows soft logic capabilities to be added into other programs. Applications include computerised test and production monitoring systems.