for an open world in automation
News on releases and other events.
Detailed release notes for each package.
A bug fix release is availble for MBLogic. This fixes a problem with calculating the platform statistics when the server is runnnig on an ARM CPU.
A bug fix release has been put out for HMIBuilder. Exceptionally long lists of address tags would not always fit on the screen. Address lists are now selected by a different method.
A bug fix release has been put out for HMIBuilder. The script which assembled the package was copying the wrong icon files into the final release package, which cause icon path errors. This has been corrected.
A new program called HMIBuilder has been released. Previously, there was a package of SVG widgets released under this name, but this new release now includes an all new program which takes your SVG drawing, finds the graphical widgets in it, allows you to select the desired parameters via menus, and then automatically takes the results and assembles it into a finished web page including all required Javscript.
The package includes an all new set of improved SVG widgets and web page templates. The new widgets use the same SVG art as before (with some visual improvements) and adds the data necessary for the HMIBuilder program to do its work. In addition, there is a new set of simplified templates intended to work with the HMIBuilder program.
Making HMI web pages is now much faster and easier with less chance of error. Custom widgets can be created and used by HMIBuilder if the supplied ones are not sufficient.
The updated tank and gauge column widgets also provide a complete and permanent fix for the previously noted (and annoying) WebKit (Apple Safari and Google Chrome) bug by avoiding the condition which triggered the bug originally. (Note this was a bug in the web browsers themselves, not in the web page).
This includes minor improvements to MBLogic, including updates to the Modbus/RTU and HART generic clients. It also fixes a bug from the last release where the sample RSS template had been left out of the release.
This includes major changes to MBLogic. Changes centre around improved generic client performance, a new SBus generic client, a new ERP protocol, a read-only version of the HMI server, an RSS feed for events, and faster system restarts. In addition, alarm history and events are logged to a database, the history database can queried using an AJAX web application. In addition, there are many minor changes.
A new program has been added to MBTools called TMBClient. This is a GUI client which can be used to monitor Modbus/TCP servers.
This includes a major update to HMIServer. Changes centre around two things. A smaller version of the new AJAX style web interface developed for MBLogic Soft Logic has been added to HMIServer. This allows live status monitoring, on-line loading of new configurations, and remote shutdown (via the web interface). The old static web interface is still available if it is desired.
In addition, all four versions (Modbus/TCP and SAIA SBus client and server) have been merged into a single package sharing as many components as possible. This has reduced the download and installation size significantly, and has also made development easier.
The screen update bug in Google Chrome which was previously thought to be fixed appears to have made a return in a slightly different form. This affects the display of tank fill level widgets and columns guages. A simple fix is available if necessary. If this is a problem for you, leave a question in the forums. This is a WebKit specific bug and does not affect Firefox or Opera.