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This page provides a description of each instruction list (IL) instruction used in the Ck soft logic library. "Ck" is a soft logic library which is modeled closely on the Koyo "Click" PLC. The Ck library is not intended to provide an exact emulation of the "Click". Rather it is intended to provide an instruction set which is similar enough to the "Click" that someone who is already familiar with the "Click" will understand the "Ck" library fairly easily.

The most significant difference between the two systems is the Koyo "Click" does not have a documented IL instruction set. The IL instructions used below have been interpolated from a combination of the ladder instructions used by the "Click", and the IL instructions used in the Koyo DL-205.

This document is not intended as a primer in PLC programming in general or in IL programming. The reader is assumed to be already familiar with PLC programming concepts, conventions, and terminology.


Select (click on) a heading for details on any of the following instructions.

The Logic Stack

An explanation of the logic stack, and how it is used when executing boolean instructions.

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Program Formatting Instructions

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Boolean Input Instructions

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Edge Contact Instructions

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Boolean Output Instructions

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Comparison Instructions

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Program Control Instructions

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Counter and Timer Instructions

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Copy Instructions

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Search Instructions

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Shift Register Instructions

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Math Instructions

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Alphabetic Instruction Summary:

Instruction Instr Type Description
// Program Formatting Comment line
AND Boolean input AND bit with top of logic stack
ANDE Compare AND if parm1 equals param2
ANDGE Compare AND if parm1 >= parm2
ANDGT Compare AND if parm1 > parm2
ANDLE Compare AND if parm1 <= parm2
ANDLT Compare AND if parm1 < parm2
ANDN Boolean input AND NOT bit with top of logic stack
ANDND Edge contact AND negative differential
ANDNE Compare AND if parm1 is not equal to parm2
ANDPD Edge contact AND positive differential
ANDSTR Boolean input AND top two values on logic stack
CALL Program control Call subroutine
CNTD Counter/Timer Count down
CNTU Counter/Timer Count up
COPY Copy Copy a single value to a register
CPYBLK Copy Copy a block of data
END Program control Program end
ENDC Program control Program end conditional
FILL Copy Fill a block of data
FINDEQ Search Search table for equal to
FINDGE Search Search table for >=
FINDGT Search Search table for >
FINDIEQ Search Incremental search table for equal to
FINDIGE Search Incremental search table for >=
FINDIGT Search Incremental search table for >
FINDILE Search Incremental search table for <=
FINDILT Search Incremental search table for <
FINDINE Search Incremental search table for not equal
FINDLE Search Search table for <=
FINDLT Search Search table for <
FINDNE Search Search table for not equal
FOR Program control For/next loop
MATHDEC Math Decimal math
MATHHEX Math Hexadecimal math
NETWORK Program Formatting Network
NEXT Program control Next in For/next loop
OR Boolean input OR bit with top of logic stack
ORE Compare OR if parm1 equals parm2
ORGE Compare OR if parm1 >= parm2
ORGT Compare OR if parm1 > parm2
ORLE Compare OR if parm1 <= parm2
ORLT Compare OR if parm1 < parm2
ORN Boolean input OR NOT bit with top of logic stack
ORND Edge contact OR negative differential
ORNE Compare OR if parm1 is not equal to parm2
ORPD Edge contact OR positive differential
ORSTR Boolean input OR top two values on logic stack
OUT Boolean output Output logic stack to bit
OUT Boolean output Output logic stack to multiple bits
PACK Copy Pack bits into a register
PD Boolean output Output logic stack one shot to multiple bits
PD Boolean output Output logic stack one shot
RST Boolean output Reset multiple bits if logic stack true
RST Boolean output Reset bit if logic stack true
RT Program control Return from subroutine
RTC Program control Return from subroutine conditional
SBR Program control Define a subroutine
SET Boolean output Set multiple bits if logic stack true
SET Boolean output Set bit if logic stack true
SHFRG Shift register Shift register move bits to right
STR Boolean input Store bit onto logic stack
STRE Compare STR if parm1 equals parm2
STRGE Compare STR if parm1 >= parm2
STRGT Compare STR if parm1 > parm2
STRLE Compare STR if parm1 <= parm2
STRLT Compare STR if parm1 < parm2
STRN Boolean input Store NOT bit onto logic stack
STRND Edge contact STORE negative differential
STRNE Compare STR if parm1 is not equal to parm2
STRPD Edge contact STORE positive differential
SUM Math Sum a range of registers
TMR Counter/Timer On delay timer
TMRA Counter/Timer On delay accumulating timer
TMROFF Counter/Timer Off delay timer
UDC Counter/Timer Up/down counter
UNPACK Copy Unpack bits from a register