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Math Instructions

Math instructions perform mathematical operations on registers and constants, and output the results to registers.

Instr. Desc. # Param One Shot SC40 SC43 SC46 Symbol
MATHDEC Decimal math 3 X X X X decimal math
MATHHEX Hexa- decimal math 3 X X X X hex math
SUM Sum a range of registers 3 or 4 X X math sum

There are only three math instructions. However, they accept complete equations as input parameters allowing them to perform many different operations.

The decimal and hexadecimal math instructions are similar except for the functions and operators they offer, and for the type of registers they operate on. The general operation of both is desribed here with the details of the functions and operators listed separately below.

The MATHDEC and MATHHEX instruction expects the following parameters:

MATHDEC destination one-shot equationparameters

MATHHEX destination one-shot equationparameters

The error flags are set under the following conditions:


	// Decimal math. Will resolve to 10.77245
	MATHDEC DF1 0 (1 + DS1) ^ 2 + SQRT(PI)
	// Hexadecimal math. Will resolve to 22h (in hexadecimal)
	MATHHEX DH1 0 (LSH(DH2, 2h) + 1h) * 2h

Decimal Math Operations

Decimal math operations are conducted by functions and operators. The input values may be DS, DD, or DF registers, or decimal constants. The destination may be a DS, DD, or DF register.

Angles for transcendental functions (SIN, COS, etc.) are in radians.

Using a function that operates in floating point (transcendental, logmarithic, square root), or using any floating point number (including the PI constant) will cause the entire equation to be conducted in floating point. The result will then be converted to a type that is compatible with the destination register. If a floating point number is copied to an integer register, the decimal part of the result is truncated, not rounded.

Operation Description Example
COS Cosine COS(DF2)
TAN Tangent TAN(DF3)
ASIN Arcsine ASIN(DF4)
ACOS Arccosine ACOS(DF5)
ATAN Arctagent ATAN(DF6)
LOG Log (base 10) LOG(DF7)
LN Natural log LN(DF8)
SQRT Square root SQRT(DD3)
RAD Convert degrees to radians RAD(DF21)
DEG Convert radians to degrees DEG(DF22)
+ Add DS1 + 7
- Subtract DS3 - DS4
* Multiply DS5 * 10
/ Divide DF7 / DS1
MOD Modulus (remainder) DS22 MOD DS21
^ Exponentiate DF52 ^ 3
PI The constant PI PI * DF102
() Parentheses (group operations) (DS2 + 71) * DF9

Hexadecimal Math Operations

Hexadecimal math operations are conducted by functions and operators. The input values may be DH registers, or hexadecimal constants. The destination must be a DH register.

Shifts and rotates take place within a 16 bit register size.

Operation Description Example
LSH Shift left a specified amount LSH(DH1, 2h)
RSH Shift right a specified amount RSH(DH2, 2h)
LRO Rotate left a specified amount LRO(DH3, 10h)
RRO Rotate right a specified amount RRO(DH4, 10h)
AND AND words DH5 AND Fh
OR OR words DH6 OR 7Fh
XOR XOR words DH7 XOR 1Ah
+ Add DH1 + 7h
- Subtract DH3 - DH4
* Multiply DH5 * 1fh
/ Divide DH7 / DH1
MOD Modulus (remainder) DH22 MOD DH21
() Parentheses (group operations) (DH2 + a1h) * DH9


The SUM function is provided as a separate instruction instead of being called from within the other math instructions.

The Sum instruction expects the following parameters:

SUM sourcestart sourceend destination (one-shot)

The error flags are set under the following conditions:


	// Sum a series of registers.
	SUM DS10 DS19 DF20
	// Sum with a one shot.
	SUM DH10 DH19 DH20 1

Ladder Examples

The following shows examples in ladder format.

match example 1