Using the SVG Library with Inkscape
This section describes how to use the standard SVG library with Inkscape.
This includes points to observe, and special techniques for certain types
of objects.
- Standard Boilerplate
- Standard boilerplate, including common colour, gradient, and filter
definitions, and also default tag names used.
- SVG Layer Menus
- How to control SVG layers using menus.
- Background Clip-Art
- Some clip art is included to be used as background images, and has no
properties which can be controlled.
- Simple Input Devices
- Simple input devices, including push buttons.
- Combined IO Devices
- Some objects include both input and output characteristics. These include
selector switches and illuminated push buttons.
- Simple Output Objects
- Simple output objects, including pilot lights and text and numbers.
- Rotating Output Objects
- Rotating output objects, including dial pointers and pumps.
- Column Level Output Objects
- Column level output objects, including column gauges, tanks, and hoppers.
- Pipes, Ducts, and Conveyors
- Pipes, ducts, and conveyors. These are also simple output devices.
- Charts
- Strip charts.
- Compound Objects
- Some objects are created from a number of simpler ones. These include
numeric data entry keypads and numeric (or text) increment and decrement