for an open world in automation
The HMI server requires certain command line parameters to be set at start up. These parameters specify the communications connections. Any parameters which are not specified will use their default values.
This program provides a simple combination HMI http server and Modbus/TCP client (master). The parameters include:
Parameter Flag | Description | Default |
-p | Port number of HMI web server. | 8082 |
-h | Name or address of remote field server. | localhost |
-r | Port number of remote field server. | 502 |
-u | Unit ID of remote Modbus server. | 1 |
-t | Timeout for remote communications. | 5.0 seconds |
This program provides a simple combination HMI http server and Modbus/TCP server (slave). The parameters include:
Parameter Flag | Description | Default |
-p | Port number of HMI web server. | 8082 |
-r | Port number of Modbus/TCP server. | 502 |
This program provides a simple combination HMI http server and SAIA Ether SBus client (master). The parameters include:
Parameter Flag | Description | Default |
-p | Port number of HMI web server. | 8082 |
-h | Name or address of remote field server. | localhost |
-r | Port number of remote field server. | 5050 |
-u | Station address of remote SBus server. | 1 |
-t | Timeout for remote communications. | 5.0 seconds |
This program provides a simple combination HMI http server and Ether SBus server (slave). The parameters include:
Parameter Flag | Description | Default |
-p | Port number of HMI web server. | 8082 |
-r | Port number of SBus server. | 5050 |
./hmiservermbc.py -p 8082 -h localhost -r 8600 -u 1 -t 5.0
./hmiservermbc.py -p 8082 -h -r 502 -u 1 -t 5.0
c:\python26\python hmiservermbc.py -p 8082 -h localhost -r 8600 -u 1 -t 5.0
./hmiservermbs.py -p 8082 -r 8600
c:\python26\python hmiservermbs.py -p 8082 -r 8600
./hmiserversbc.py -p 8082 -h localhost -r 5050 -u 1 -t 5.0
./hmiserversbc.py -p 8082 -h -r 5050 -u 1 -t 5.0
c:\python26\python hmiserversbc.py -p 8082 -h localhost -r 5050 -u 1 -t 5.0
./hmiserversbs.py -p 8082 -r 5050
c:\python26\python hmiserversbs.py -p 8082 -r 5050
With MS Windows the path to the Python installation includes the version number. If you are using a different version of Python, you may need to alter the path accordingly (e.g. "c:\python25\python").