for an open world in automation
Several other types of template files are provided.
A number of common files are provided which can be used with any size HMI web page. The following files are normally used as is.
This file contains the standard protocol error texts and the alarm state texts. It is normally used as is. However, you may wish to modify it if for example you wish to provide a different language translation.
This file provides CSS (style sheet) definitions for HMI buttons (both SVG and HTML). This file is normally used as is. It can be customised to provide different behaviour if desired.
This file contains web page styling and layout configurations which are used by all the web page templates. You may however wish to modify it to change appearances or if you are creating your own custom templates.
Some sample PNG files are also provided. These should be considered to be examples only. You need to provide your own application specific files. You should avoid creating excessively large custom graphics files as this can slow down loading of web pages.
This provides a background image for the web page as a whole. This could be a company logo, product image, or some other relevant decorate image. This can be any size.
This file is referenced by the "hmipagelayout.css" file. If you wish to eliminate this file altogether, you can remove the reference in the CSS file.
This is an image that appears in the top left corner of the web page templates. This could be a company logo, product image, or some other relevant decorate image.
The name, size, and proportions of this image are referenced directly in the web page templates. The top menu web page template sizes this to 170 pixels wide by 75 pixels high. the side menu versions size it to 114 pixels wide by 50 pixels high.
This amounts to an (approximately) 2.25 width to height ratio. The web page will automatically re-size any image you provide, but if you are using an image with different proportions it will be distorted unless you change the dimensions used in the web page. However, if you are using a side menu template, avoid making the dimensions any wider as this will upset the overall page layout.
This is the icon file that appears in the web browser bookmarks menu and in the page tabs. This could be a company logo, machine station number, or some other relevant image. This must be a PNG file, and it must be exactly 32 by 32 pixels.
The following files must always be customised for each application.
This should contain application specific data other than message texts. This should include the following:
The data provided here are examples only. You will need to update these examples with your own actual data. All of these items are required. The data in this file should not be language (locale) specific.
This translates the alarm tags to the message texts which are displayed to the operator. Replace the tags and messages with your own actual data. You can add or remove records as necessary.
The data in this file is normally language (locale) specific and may need multiple versions if you are providing multiple translations.
The data items which must be modified are in plain ASCII text files. These items will have specific formats which must be preserved if they are to be understood. These are:
Strings must be enclosed by double quotes ".
MBT_ClientID = "Default HMI Client ID";
Some items (e.g. the tag read list) consist of arrays or lists of strings. Each array or list must be enclosed with square brackets ("[ ]"). Items in the list must be separated by commas.
MBT_ReadList = ["ExamplePL1", "ExamplePL2", "ExamplePL3", "ExampleTank1Level", "ExamplePumpSpeedCmd", "ExampleStripChart1"];
Some items (e.g. alarm message texts) are in JSON object notation (also known as "dictionaries"). These consist of key - value pairs, where the key is used by the program to look up the corresponding value. These objects must be enclosed by braces ("{ }"). Keys must be separated from values by colons. Key - value pairs must be separated from other key - value pairs by commas.
MBT_AlarmStatesText = { "alarm" : "Fault is active", "ackalarm" : "Alarm acknowledged", "ok" : "Fault cleared", "ackok" : "Fault cleared and acknowledged", "inactive" : "Alarm inactive" }