for an open world in automation
The "Configure Soft Logic IO" page provides an overview the current configuration of the soft logic IO subsystem. The soft logic IO sub-system is responsible for transfering data between the soft logic sub-system and the system data table. This is divided into the following sections:
Item | Configuration Label | Description |
Soft Logic Engine Type | type | This is the type of soft logic engine enabled for this application. |
Program File | plcprog | This is the file containing the soft logic program. |
Target Scan Rate (msec) | scan | This is the target (not actual) delay between scans for the soft logic program. |
Item | Configuration Label | Description |
Update Interval (sec) | updateinterval | This is the minimum interval (in seconds) between saving memory addresses. |
Memory Save Addresses | wordaddr | These are the memory addresses which will be saved. |
Item | Configuration Label | Description |
IO Section | [userdefinedname] | This is the IO section with a user defined name. |
Address Type | addrtype | This is the system (server) data table address type. |
Server Base Address | base | This is the starting address in the system data table used a source or destination for data.1 |
IO Action | action | This determines the direction in which data is copied. |
Soft Logic Addresses | logictable | This is the list of individual soft logic addresses used as the source or destination for data. |
1For string data, the maximum string length is also included and is displayed in brackets. E.g. 2345 (15)
The table of data displayed can be sorted by clicking on a table heading. The table will be sorted according to the selected column.
Scan rate is in milli-seconds.
Memory address must be separated by commas.
Soft logic addresses must be separated by commas.