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Help - Configure Server Communications


The "Configure Servers" page provides an overview the current configuration of the server communications subsystem. This is divided into the following sections:

Server ID

This section shows the server id configuration. The server id is the "name" given to the system to identify it (e.g. "Press1").

config servers

Editing the Server ID

To edit the server id, enable configuration editing and then click on the server id. Edit the server id string and then press "change".

config servers


config servers

The servers table lists the active servers. The items of data include:

Editing the Server Data

To edit the server data, enable configuration editing and then click on the server you wish to edit. Edit the server name or port number and then press "change". You many delete the server by pressing the "delete button". Deleting a server does not remove the row from the table. Rather it simply clears the information from that server type. Since there may be only one of each type of server protocol present, all available server types are displayed whether they are configured (and active) or not.

config servers

Data Table Expanded Register Map

config servers

This lists the data table expanded register map values used. This includes:

Editing the Register Map

To edit the expanded register map parameters, enable configuration editing and then click on the expanded register map configuration. Edit the parameters and then press "change". If you select "disable", the uid offset and register factor are not used.

config servers