for an open world in automation
This document deals with the source code files used to implemented MBLogicEngine-Ck. This is intended to be of interest to developers and is not necessary if you simply wish to use MBLogicEngine.
The following are the standard files used in all versions of MBLogicEngine.
File | Provides |
PLCCompile.py | This is the standard IL compiler. It compiles IL (instruction list) code to executable code. |
PLCInterp.py | This is the standard interpreter which is used to execute the compiled PLC program. |
PLCStdMem.py | This provides standard memory functions which are used to help generate data tables. |
PLCInstStdLib.py | This provide standard definitions for common instructions, including many boolean logic functions. |
The following are from the version of MBLogicEngine which emulates the Koyo "Click" series. The number and names of files may be different for other PLC emulation types.
File | Provides |
DLCkAddrValidate.py | This provides address validation functions used to verify parameter addresses for the compiler. The functions in this module act as extensions to the standard compiler to adapt it to each instruction. |
DLCkDataTable.py | This implements the data table. |
DLCkInstrLib.py | This provide definitions for any instructions, not provided by the standard library. |
DLCkInstructions.py | This is used to define any instructions which are not defined in the standard library (PLCInstStdLib). |
DLCkCounterTimer.py | This implements counter and timer instructions as well as updating system flags. |
DLCkLibs.py | This is used to create instances of all libraries used. |
DLCkMath.py | This implements all the math functions. This includes compiling the equations and other functions that are normally performed by DLCkAddrValidate for other instructions. |
DLCkTableInstr.py | This provides libraries which are used to implement multi register and multi-bit instructions. |