for an open world in automation
SimpleClient is a simple Python library that may be used to help write custom client applications that communicate using industrial protocols. The following protocols are presently supported:
The following Modbus functions are supported:
The following SBus commands are supported:
Each SimpleClient protocol is located in a separate module. The module names are:
Module Name | Protocol |
ModbusTCPSimpleClient2.py | Modbus/TCP |
ModbusRestSimpleClient.py | Modbus-like web service |
SBusSimpleClient.py | Ether SBus |
In addition, there is also an older module called ModbusTCPSimpleClient.py. This also provides a Modbus/TCP interface, but takes a different set of parameters and return values. It has been replaced by ModbusTCPSimpleClient2.py which provides an improved interface. You may use the older ModbusTCPSimpleClient.py for existing applications, but you should use the newer version for all new applications.
The methods (function calls) provided for Modbus/TCP are:
SendRequest and ReceiveResponse are the methods normally used for creating an ordinary client program. MakeRawRequest, SendRawRequest, and GetRawResponse are not used in a normal client. The ability to manipulate a raw message however is sometimes useful when creating a program which is intended to test a server by sending malformed packets. As they are seldom used, they are not discussed further here.
The host parameters must be specified at initialisation:
Parameter Name | Type | Range | Description |
host | string | Any valid host name | IP address of server |
port | integer | Any valid port number | Port number of server |
timeout | real | Any valid real number | Time-out in seconds. |
A typical example is::
host = '' port = 502 timeout = 10.5 client = ModbusTCPSimpleClient2.ModbusTCPSimpleClient(host, port, timeout)
The parameters are:
Parameter Name | Type | Range | Description |
TransID | integer | 0 - 65535 | Modbus transaction ID |
UnitID | integer | 0 - 255 | Modbus Unit ID |
Function Code | integer | Any valid code | Modbus function code |
Addr | integer | 0 - 65535 | Modbus memory address to read from server |
Qty | integer | 0 - 65535 | Quantity of items to read from server |
MsgData | string | Any valid data | A packed binary string containing the data to send |
If the function code is not supported, a ParamError exception will be raised. Invalid data will cause a Python language exception to be raised.
Note: MsgData is optional for functions which do not send data.
A typical example is::
TransID = 1 UnitID = 50 FunctionCode = 1 Addr = 567 Qty = 64 client.SendRequest(TransID, UnitID, FunctionCode, Addr, Qty)
Another typical example::
TransID = 1 UnitID = 50 FunctionCode = 5 Addr = 567 Qty = 64 MsgData = '\xFF\x00' client.SendRequest(TransID, UnitID, FunctionCode, Addr, Qty, MsgData)
ReceiveResponse returns the following values:
Parameter | Type | Description |
Transation ID | integer | This is an echo of the sent TID |
Function | integer | This is an echo of the sent function code. If a Modbus error has occured, this will be the original function + 128. |
Address | integer | For 5, 6, 15, 16, the starting address written to. For all others, this is 0. |
Qty | integer | For 1, 2, 3, 4, this is the byte count. For 5, 6, this is 1, For 15, 16, the quantity written. |
Message Data | string | The message data |
Exception Code | integer | The Modbus exception code. This is 0 if there was no error. |
Note: Message Data is a packed binary string containing the response data.
A typical example is::
TransID, Funct, Address, Qty, Data, ExCode = client.ReceiveResponse()
If a message cannot be decoded, a Python language exception will be raised. If the function is not supported, a ParamError exception will be raised. If the message is too short or too long to be a valid Modbus/TCP message, a MessageLengthError exception will be raised.
Software Exceptions:
SimpleClient2 raises exceptions for invalid parameters or messages. The exceptions are:
Exception | Description |
MessageLengthError | The received message was of a length which was too short or too long to decode. |
ParamError | The function code is not supported by SimpleClient. |
The methods (function calls) provided for Modbus/TCP are:
SendRequest and ReceiveResponse are the methods normally used for creating an ordinary client program. MakeRawRequest, SendRawRequest, and GetRawResponse are not used in a normal client. The ability to manipulate a raw message however is sometimes useful when creating a program which is intended to test a server by sending malformed packets. As they are seldom used, they are not discussed further here.
The host parameters must be specified at initialisation:
Parameter Name | Type | Range | Description |
host | string | Any valid host name | IP address of server |
port | integer | Any valid port number | Port number of server |
timeout | real | Any valid real number | Time-out in seconds |
client = SBusSimpleClient.SBusSimpleClient(host, port, timeout)
For SBusSimpleClient the parameters are:
Parameter Name | Type | Range | Description |
msgsequence | integer | 0 - 65535 | SBus messge sequence |
stnaddr | integer | 0 - 255 | SBus station address |
cmdcode | integer | Any valid code | SBus command code |
datacount | integer | 0 - 65535 | Quantity of items to read from server |
dataaddr | integer | 0 - 65535 | SBus memory address to read from server |
msgdata | string | Any valid data | A packed binary string containing the data to send |
Note: MsgData is optional for functions which do not send data.
Unlike the Modbus version, the SBus version of SimpleClient raises exceptions for invalid parameters or messages. A ParamError exception indicates that one or more of the parameters provided was invalid.
A typical example is::
msgsequence = 1 stnaddr = 50 cmdcode = 2 datacount = 10 dataaddr = 567 client.SendRequest(msgsequence, stnaddr, cmdcode, datacount, dataaddr)
ReceiveResponse returns the following values:
For successful responses:
.Parameter | Type | Description |
telegramattr | integer | The telegram attribute |
msgsequence | integer | This is an echo of the sent TID |
msgdata | string/integer | This is a binary string when it represents data, and a numeric code when it represents an ack or nak |
Note: Message Data is a packed binary string containing the response data.
Telegram attributes:
Value | Description |
0 | Request |
1 | response |
2 | ack/nak |
Ack/Nak codes:
An Ack code of zero in the telegram attribute indicates no error. A Nak code of non-zero indicates an error has occured. You must check telegramattr before attempting to decode the message data.
Unlike the Modbus version, the SBus version of SimpleClient raises exceptions for invalid parameters or messages. The exceptions are:
Exception | Description |
MessageLengthError | The received message was of a length which was too short or too long to decode |
CRCError | The received message had a bad CRC |
A typical example is::
telegramattr, msgsequence, msgdata = client.SBResponse()
SimpleClientWS is a client for a Modbus like web service. This web service was created for MBServer and is not part of a formal standard. The protocol itself is documented with MBServer, and so is not described in detail here. The protocol itself is a true web service protocol (as opposed to being an RPC tunnelled over http), and is based on REST principles.
SimpleClientWS is located in a library called "ModbusRestSimpleClient". The library contains a single class called "ModbusRestSimpleClient". This class in turn contains the following methods:
SendRequest is the methods normally used for creating an ordinary client program. MakeRawRequest and SendRawRequest are not used in a normal client. The ability to manipulate a raw web service message however is sometimes useful when creating a program which is intended to test a server by sending malformed packets. As they are seldom used, they are not discussed further here.
The host parameters must be specified at initialisation:
Parameter Name | Type | Range | Description |
host | string | Any valid host name | IP address of server plus the URL to the web service |
port | integer | Any valid port number | Port number of server |
A typical example is::
host = 'localhost/modbus' port = 8080 client = ModbusRestSimpleClient.ModbusRestSimpleClient(host, port)
SendRequest accepts the following parameters:
SendRequest (send)
Parameter Name | Type | Range | Description |
TransID | integer | 0 - 65535 | Modbus Transacation ID |
UnitID | integer | 0 - 255 | Modbus Unit ID |
Function Code | integer | 0 - 255 | Any valid code Modbus function code |
Addr | integer | 0 - 65535 | Modbus memory address to read from server |
Qty | integer | 0 - 65535 | Quantity of items to read from server |
MsgData | string | Any valid data | An ASCII string containing the data to send |
SendRequest returns the following values:
For Successful Responses
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
TransID | integer | This is an echo of the sent TID |
Function Code | integer | This is an echo of the sent function code |
MsgData | string | An ASCII string containing the received data |
httpstatus | integer | A standard http response code (200 = OK) |
httpreason | string | A standard http reason |
For Error Responses
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
TransID | integer | This is an echo of the sent TID |
Error Code | integer | The Modbus error code (function + 128) |
Exception Code | integer | The Modbus exception code (1, 2, 3, or 4) |
httpstatus | integer | A standard http response code |
httpreason | string | A standard http reason |
A typical example is::
host = 'localhost/modbus' port = 8080 client = ModbusRestSimpleClient.ModbusRestSimpleClient(host, port) SendTransID = 52 SendUnitID = 1 SendFunction = 5 SendAddr = 678 SendQty = 1 MsgData = 'FF00' Recv_TransID, Recv_Function, Recv_Data, Recv_HttpStatus, Recv_HttpResult = \ mbclient.SendRequest(SendTransID, SendUnitID, SendFunction, SendAddr, SendQty, MsgData)
The following example shows a simple application::
import ModbusTCPSimpleClient2 client = ModbusTCPSimpleClient2.ModbusTCPSimpleClient('localhost', 8502, 10.0) client.SendRequest(1, 2, 3, 0, 1) TransID, Function, MsgData = client.ReceiveResponse()
"Exception handling" in this context refers to Python language exceptions, rather than Modbus exceptions. SimpleClient and SimpleClientWS allow most exceptions to "bubble up" to the user application level. Therefore, any use of either library in a serious application should enclose calls to library methods in exception handling constructs (try/except).
Some language exceptions are caught at a lower level. These result in the return error codes which are documented above.
The libraries also use Python language exceptions to indicate errors rather than passing coded parameters. The exception codes can be imported from the SBusMsg or ModbusTCPLib modules.
SimpleClient and SimpleClientWS have the following library dependecies:
ModbusDataLib is used to convert data between the normal formats used in the Python language and the "packed binary strings" required for Modbus and SBus messages.
The packed binary strings in all list oriented functions are compatible with Modbus messages.
1) bin2boollist(binval): Accepts a packed binary and outputs a list of boolean values.
result = ModbusDataLib.bin2boollist(x) '\x2F' --> [True, True, True, True, False, True, False, False]
2) boollist2bin(boollist): Accepts a list of boolean values and outputs a packed binary string. If the length of the input list is not an even multiple of 8, it is padded out with False values to fit.
result = ModbusDataLib.boollist2bin(x) [True, True, True, True, False, True, False, False] --> '\x2F'
3) bin2intlist(binval): Accepts a packed binary string and outputs a list of *unsigned* 16 bit integers.
result = ModbusDataLib.bin2intlist(x) '\xF1\x23\x12\xD9' --> [61731, 4825]
4) intlist2bin(intlist): Accepts a list of *unsigned* 16 bit integers and outputs a packed binary string.
result = ModbusDataLib.intlist2bin(x) [61731, 4825] --> '\xF1\x23\x12\xD9'
5) signedbin2intlist(binval): Same as bin2intlist but outputs a list of *signed* integers.
result = ModbusDataLib.signedbin2intlist(x) '\xF1\x23\x12\xD9' --> [-3805, 4825]
6) signedintlist2bin(intlist): Same as intlist2bin but accepts a list of *signed* integers.
result = ModbusDataLib.signedintlist2bin(x) [-3805, 4825] --> '\xF1\x23\x12\xD9'
1) coilvalue(state) - If state = 0, it returns '\x00\x00', else it returns '\xFF\x00'. This is used for providing the correct parameter values required by Modbus function 5 (write single coil).
result = ModbusDataLib.coilvalue(0) 0 --> '\x00\x00' 1 --> '\xFF\x00'
These differ from the list oriented functions in that they operate on single integers rather than on lists of integers.
1) Int2BinStr(intdata): Pack a 16 bit integer into a binary string. This may be used where a binary string is expected, but the data is in integer format. Parameters: intdata (integer). Returns: binary string.
result = ModbusDataLib.Int2BinStr(x)
2) BinStr2Int(strdata): Convert a packed binary string to a 16 bit integer. Parameters: intdata (binary string). Returns: integer.
result = ModbusDataLib.BinStr2Int(x)
3) SignedInt2BinStr(intdata): Same as Int2BinStr but accepts a signed integer instead of unsigned.
result = ModbusDataLib.SignedInt2BinStr(x)
4) BinStr2SignedInt(strdata): Same as BinStr2Int but returns a signed integer instead of unsigned.
result = ModbusDataLib.BinStr2SignedInt(x)
SBusMsg also includes two conversion functions which provides convertions for 32 bit integer registers.
The obsolete version of ModbusSimpleClient is documented here. For new applications do not use this version. Use ModbusSimpleClient2 for all new applications.
The methods (function calls) provided for Modbus/TCP are:
SendRequest and ReceiveResponse are the methods normally used for creating an ordinary client program. MakeRawRequest, SendRawRequest, and GetRawResponse are not used in a normal client. The ability to manipulate a raw message however is sometimes useful when creating a program which is intended to test a server by sending malformed packets. As they are seldom used, they are not discussed further here.
The host parameters must be specified at initialisation:
Parameter Name | Type | Range | Description |
host | string | Any valid host name | IP address of server |
port | integer | Any valid port number | Port number of server |
timeout | real | Any valid real number | Time-out in seconds. |
A typical example is::
host = '' port = 502 timeout = 10.5 client = ModbusTCPSimpleClient.ModbusTCPSimpleClient(host, port, timeout)
The parameters for SendRequest depend on the protocol. For ModbusTCPSimpleClient and ModbusRestSimpleClient the parameters are:
Parameter Name | Type | Range | Description |
TransID | integer | 0 - 65535 | Modbus transaction ID |
UnitID | integer | 0 - 255 | Modbus Unit ID |
Function Code | integer | Any valid code | Modbus function code |
Addr | integer | 0 - 65535 | Modbus memory address to read from server |
Qty | integer | 0 - 65535 | Quantity of items to read from server |
MsgData | string | Any valid data | A packed binary string containing the data to send |
Note: MsgData is optional for functions which do not send data.
A typical example is::
TransID = 1 UnitID = 50 FunctionCode = 1 Addr = 567 Qty = 64 client.SendRequest(TransID, UnitID, FunctionCode, Addr, Qty)
Another typical example::
TransID = 1 UnitID = 50 FunctionCode = 5 Addr = 567 Qty = 64 MsgData = '\xFF\x00' client.SendRequest(TransID, UnitID, FunctionCode, Addr, Qty, MsgData)
ReceiveResponse returns the following values:
For successful responses:
Parameter | Type | Description |
Transation ID | integer | This is an echo of the sent TID |
Function | integer | This is an echo of the sent function code |
Message Data | string | The message data |
Note: Message Data is a packed binary string containing the response data.
For error responses:
Parameter | Type | Description |
Transation ID | integer | This is an echo of the sent TID |
Error code | integer | The Modbus error code (function + 128) |
Exception code | integer | The Modbus exception code (1, 2, 3, or 4) |
For undecodable responses: (0, 0, '0'). These are resposnses which do not fit a valid message pattern.
A typical example is::
TransID, Function, MsgData = client.ReceiveResponse()
ModbusDataStrLib is an obsolete library. Do not use this in new applications.
ModbusDataStrLib implements a number of functions which are useful when encoding and decoding data in Modbus and SBus format. These functions are: