for an open world in automation
It can be convenient to group objects so they can be moved and changed as a single unit. To group several objects together:
1) Select the objects.
2) Click the "group" button on the tool bar, or select group from the menu ("Object", "Group").
It is sometimes necessary to remove the "fill" or "stroke" properties from an object. The "stroke" is the outline of an object, while the "fill" is the interior colour. If an object has a fill or stroke already set, those settings will over ride the ones set at a higher level. Also, it is sometimes desirable for background art to have either no fill or else no stroke visible (if there is both no fill and no stroke, then the object will be invisible).
However, setting the fill or stroke to "none" is not the same as simply removing it. When the fill or stroke are removed ("unset"), the object can inherit properties from outer levels (if any are present). When fill or stroke are set to "none", then the fill or stroke are disabled for that object and cannot be inherited from outer levels.
To remove the fill or stroke:
To set them to "none", perform the same steps as above, except for the final step select "none" instead of "unset" (this should be an "X" icon).