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Editing Addresses:


Addresses for each instruction may be entered or changed when that instruction is selected.

Editing Addresses

Entering an Address

When an instruction is selected, an address edit form will automatically appear between the instruction buttons and the instruction matrix. These addresses may then be edited. To save the changes, select the "change" button that appears to the right of the form. If you do not save the changes, they will be discarded if you move away from the matrix location.

addresses - edit

Number of Form Parameters

The number of addresses or other parameters that will be present in the form will vary depending on the instruction.

addresses - parameters

Types of Parameters

Form parameters can consist of the following types:

Default Addresses

When a new instruction is entered, a set of default parameters will be automatically entered which are valid for that instruction. These default parameters may then be edited to the correct ones for the application.

Validation of Inputs

When the "change" button is pressed and a new set of parameters is entered, the rung editor performs some basic input validation to look for gross errors. When an invalid parameter is detected, the background colour for the input box will change to indicate an error, and the new parameters will not be saved. If a different matrix cell is selected without correcting the error, the changes will be discarded.

addresses - invalid

Full validation of the parameters takes place in the soft logic system itself when the entire rung is saved (note: the web site demo does not conduct this step).

When the addresses are entered for an individual instruction however, only gross errors are looked for. The preliminary checks are as follows:

When the complete rung is saved, a temporary copy is downloaded to the soft logic system where a complete check is made for errors. This does not affect the running program.

The above methodology allows for simple and flexible editing while still finding most common typographical errors at the time they are made.